
n96ynv 98yn 0q3y!!!!!!!

What it looks like from here.

Sunday, March 17, 2002


After we (ok they) survived the night, we went on a little adventure that led us to some bones with a numbered ear tag laying in the cow field. After many, many hours of investigation, it was concluded that it was in fact a cow. If only we could identify the owner by some sort of numbering system.


Help Her Kim!!

This picture amuzes me because it reminds me of Sixteen candles when the grandma is smoking all over the breakfast that the other grandma is trying to prepare and she follows her around with the spatula. The smoking grandma finally gives up on anything to do with the kitchen and just opens a box of donuts. Abby looks like she is in a mother mode fixing us food, but I think she is just getting some milk for her coffee that she needs to function.


Saturday, March 16, 2002

For Our Next Act

Originally uploaded by andischmandi.
The country is so entertaining. We were all amazed by the burning stick and the smoking bottle. We stared at it for minutes. Do it again! Do it again! I was impressed by my super flash because it was pitch black outside. Thanks for freezing this moment in time, flash!!



Yes we are camping. Yes it is snowing. Yes Natalie and I snuck over to the house to sleep while the rest of the frozen crew were attacked by an owl. Yes no fish were caught. Yes no coolers were needed. Yes we started doing something else for the March birthdays.