
n96ynv 98yn 0q3y!!!!!!!

What it looks like from here.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

I Prefer Nortons

James is riding the bike that Sibyl purchased because she is smart enough to ride in the car with me during the cold weather. He has one and now she has one. Where's mine you ask? Have you seen my Miata? Although I would get through traffic much faster and I could get really good parking spots or I could be in the hospital for spinal injuries.


Saturday, February 28, 2004


My sister Sibyl lives way out in the woods. She has to drive to her mail box that is at the end of her driveway, way out. She came for a visit. We took her for chinese food. She looks really excited. Kara is being cute as usual and Susan seems to be measuring the width of her mouth. It's best to just not ask her.


He's Just Blushing

This is my brother n law James. He married my sister Sibyl when I was 13 or so. He rode his bike for 6 hours in the cold. He has what one would call "wind burn". I have what one would call "unbrushed hair". We compliment each other. Move over Brad and Jen...there's a hot new couple in town.


Sunday, February 01, 2004


So this is what I do when it is cold. If anything is exposed....I can't handle it. Even with all of this coverage, my eyes are cold. Mark on the other hand chose not to be proactive and has frozen his face into an "oh crap I think I am about to freeze my face" expression. He wore an excellent smile once he defrosted.